Well okay. At first, these things never really bother me. But fcuk yeah its getting on my nerves now. God damn, it is so fcuking annoying. I bet every each of us pernah dapat the chain massages/broadcast message. If you guys didn't what chain messages is , okay here's some example :

Etc : Post this and see what people want from you :
  1. a smile
  2. be mine
  3. hang out
  4. to cuddle
  5. bs
  6. bs
  7. dirt
 and hoping an answer ??

Well babe, you shouldn't broadcast this stuff. Stupid enough to be a question and please don't be stupid enough to send it to all of your friends. And if you really that generous, why you leave us with options ? ( choose 1-infinity). If you ask me once again, trust me my answer will be

Etc : Islam something something ( its about Islam so I keep on reading. But the last part really kill me not to laugh ) If you don't past this in 200000 seconds . Something bad will happen to you.

Dude come on. Aku bukan la nak jadi kurang ajar. Understand this, if you really wanna send those religion broadcast, please don't. Apa guna setakat kau broadcast semua benda tapi solat ada buat ? Puasa ada buat ? Minum tipu tak pernah. Like I don't know you seriously. Jangan tunjuk je, buat boleh ? Seriously something bad will happen ? Okay enough. Religion sensitive -___-

Okay. Well, since its a broadcast messages that has i get from bbm, which is free. I don't mind. And below is sent using normal text messages.

Etc : Hello, my name is REALLY SCARRY GHOST and I died in tragic way you cannot imagine how if i tell you , you gonna commit suicide. And if you must know im a modern ghost cause i have phone and i can send text messages. If you dont forward this to 7 people i will come to your room's window and choke you till you die.

You imagine this as soon as you get that text ?

If that ghost is really this gorgeous. Please come here baby :)

A dead person do write a text ah babe ? seriously ? why don't she just use her ghost power. why thru text ? i don't get it. please be more logic if you really wanna lie. give that dead person a 3g phone so she could 3g with all of you and share some interesting stories down there.

Etc : ( some sweet poems but i don't think it is sweet, AT ALL ) if you have any crush for someone. sent this to 7 person and the person that you have crush with will love you back.

Dan si bijaksana start to broadcast those text to 7 peoples with hope tomorrow celik je mata crush kau tu depan mata mintak couple ? mcm tu ? F to that. If you really have a crush for someone, get his phone number and be honest to tell you how u feel about him. go on a date and get married. end of story. what do you think ? by sending these stupid chain messages, line untuk dapat jodoh seriously ?

And most stupid text ....

Etc : Father is a bla bla bla bs bs bs . Show how you love him by send this text to 10 other people or you daddy will be sad.

Come on ? How much will it cost for one text ? 5 cents ? Now times it with 10 = 5o cents. Why dont you use that 50 cents to call your lovely daddy and tell him how much you love him. You only want 10 person to know how much you love you daddy ? why dont you send it to 7000000067 peoples ? Iklan kan kat tv. Make some banner. Only 50 cents to show how much you love your daddy ? I feel like gonna shoot you.

Please think before act. This is all bullshit. I don't mind, really don't mind getting any funny texts ( if its really funny ) atleast those text bring joy to me. Text yang mcm above semua menyakitkan hati aku je. Seriously dude, get a life. Orang yang start buat broadcast ni, please go get some other job that actually berbaloi than wasting other people energy and money. TQ

And please i hate texting nowadays. If you're this interesting, call me :p


I prefer my life now.